The Rise of AI You Should be Concerned About

The Rise of AI You Should be Concerned About

Time to fish or cut bait?🤔

I've learned a lot of relationship lessons lately-something I saw in my horoscope primed me to expect them, but I still wasn't totally prepared🙈 They've been incredibly helpful in holding me accountable and making sure that I am practicing what I preach as a relationship coach.

So who is coaching the coach?

Ever since her arrival almost 20 years ago, my daughter has been one of my greatest and most important teachers. And did she ever school me this past week: "Would you like some ice cream with that humble pie?"😳

We were having dinner, our phones quiet on the counter when our conversation prompted us to check something online. As I distractedly began to scroll, I noticed *silence*. Looking up, my daughter sat watching and said "I'm waiting for you to stop looking at your phone."🤦🏻♀️

I apologized, put my phone down and we continued our talk. The next day, listening to a great interview between two of my favourites, Brene Brown and Esther Perel, this very topic came up. Coincidence? I think not. Esther expressed her concern over the rise of a much more dangerous AI: Artificial Intimacy. I couldn't agree more. The quote which blew my mind: "You have 1000 online friends, but no one to feed your cat."

So who's got your Six?

The Sun's trip through Cancer season this past month craved authentic, heart-centered connection, but that seems to be more elusive these days. The culprit? Partially that "helpful" smartphone you won't leave home without! Just as when household technologies like vacuums were supposed to simplify chores and make life easier but in fact contributed to women spending more time doing domestic work, our smartphones have us all doing their bidding. And I for one have had enough!

Saturn as the current "curmudgeon in residence" in Pisces (and I say that with great love and reverence for Saturn 🪐)is teaching us all about healthy boundaries. So rather than kick my phone to the curb, I'm speaking up for my needs!

Struggling with using your phone intentionally? There's an app for that! It's called Opal and you can learn more about it HERE (Thanks E!) And that's just the start! I'm going old school and only checking e-mail three times per day for a set period each time. "Do not disturb" has become my new bestie and ALL of my notifications are blessedly OFF.

You got to know when to hold 'em

Sometimes when things get tricky, it may seem easier to burn things down and start over, but before you switch back to a flip phone, consider that you may be torching a lot of good stuff along with the not-so-nice. The same thing applies to our relationships. Slow your roll. We've got some astro coming up which invites relationship breakthroughs, but remember, sometimes those come disguised as breakdowns⚡️

If you are ready to improve your communication to get your needs met in relationship, I'm here to be your guide. Hit reply and let's book a Relationship Rescue Strategy Session.

One of the recent "graduates" of my relationship coaching program gave me this lovely feedback:

"I was having communication problems & trying to set boundaries was getting more difficult. Changing my approach to build healthy communication without compromise has created happier resolutions for everyone." -MF

As this client's journey completes, I have space in my calendar to take on some new one-to-one coaching clients, so reach out to learn more.

You got to know when to fold 'em

As we head into the darkness of the Leo New Moon on Sunday, it is a time to let go, be honest about what isn't serving you and wipe the slate clean before you set your intentions for the month ahead. And you need to be quick about it, because the day after the New Moon, our messenger planet gets funky and does their version of the Cha-Cha Slide: Mercury Retrograde begins on Monday! Pack a little patience wherever your summer vibes take you!

Take the lead from the heart-centred Leo Sun and make time to play, create and have FUN!🦁🌞🤩🥳

Wishing you love, light and peace 🕊️


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