When You Wish Upon A Star
🎶Oh, what a wonderful world🎵
When I was a child, I had the great good fortune of spending my summers in Moody Beach, Maine. I would sit on the seawall at night with my dad and we would gaze out at the night sky and the Milky Way, wondering at the immense beauty of the universe🌌
My father loved contemplating the bigger philosophical questions of life, guided by the Shakespearean quote "To thine own self be true."
We ARE Nature🌞🌻
Recently, I had the opportunity to visit the stunning Georgian Bay Islands National Park. On a dark sky experience, we were fortunate enough to have a wonderful Parks Canada guide share indigenous stories about the Night Sky and also provide us with scientific data about what we were looking at and then weave the two together through our observations. I was reminded of the beautiful connection that humanity has had to the Cosmos for millennia throughout cultures across the globe☄️🪐
Here snakey-snakey🐍
One of the daytime highlights of my trip to Beausoleil Island was a close encounter with an Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, the only venomous snake in Ontario, the province where I live. Meeting a poisonous snake in the wild was a *highlight*?? Indeed, it was, and a humbling experience at that. The snake was minding its business and gently carried on its way, having warned us of its presence with the telltale shake of its tail. No harm, no foul. Let us all move through the world this gently🙏
Get Outside!
Your mom was right! On the Camino, I learned the Latin phrase "Solvitur ambulando" = It is solved by walking🐾 And when we feel overwhelmed by what is happening on the planet, and in our lives, we must come back to nature and feel connected & comforted here. Spending time in nature is an integral part of my life and has been critical to my healing and my growth. Time with the animals on my farm, tending the land, hiking with the dogs in my neighbour's woods, connected to the earth, noticing her cycles and her seasons.
The Autumn Equinox this past weekend represented another great turn on the wheel of the year, ushering in the season of the cardinal air sign of Libra. This season highlights relationships of all kinds: to ourselves, our mates, our family & friends, our colleagues, our fur family and our environment. The Equinox is a time to slow down and reflect on what has unfolded in your life since the Summer Solstice in June and consider how you would like to move through life until the Winter Solstice in December🍂🍁
Pause and Ask Yourself:
To help you in these musings I would invite you to contemplate the following journalling prompts, which were shared by my friend Kim at Gently Being: What are you harvesting in your life now? What would you like to plant the seeds for now? What needs to be composted now?
And Then Let Go
We are in between eclipses, which are cosmically designed to shake things up!☄️⚡️🌪️If you've had a persistent stone in your shoe, this energy might help you get rid of it once and for all!
The New Moon solar eclipse in Libra happens October 2nd, kicking off a last cycle of shedding of an old dynamic around relationships, balance, social justice and how you find harmony in life. Consider how this has been playing out for you since the first Libra eclipse happened in October 2023. Tend to what is truly of value.
In the words of the amazing astrologer and social activist, Chani Nicholas "May we be so kind and loving to ourselves and each other. They want us to despair and give up. May we instead grieve and love and re-create. May we be determined in our pursuit of justice and joy and liberation."
Wishing you love, light and peace 🕊️